November 20, 6:00 – 7:30 pm




At Quincy Catholic Academy, we recognize that student success is directly linked to family support and involvement. It is through a pro-active Home/School partnership that students receive the best possible advantages in life. We are dedicated to journeying with students and their families to achieve greatness.

Family School Association (FSA)

What is the QCA Family School Association?

The role of the Quincy Catholic Academy Family School Association is to support the educational mission of the school, by providing enrichment opportunities and engagement activities for students and their families. All funds raised by the association go towards these programs.

All QCA families are very welcome and encouraged to participate in the running of the association and related events. The more involvement, the more success we will collectively enjoy! Meetings, run by the Association leaders, are held once a month throughout the school year and are open to all parents.

The success of the Family School Association relies on active parent involvement. The Association’s fund raising activities are separate from the operational fundraising done by the school. The compulsory school fundraisers go towards curriculum and school needs as determined by the principal and the school board. The FSA fund raises on a smaller scale and participation is appreciated and encouraged, however voluntary.

  • Community Building Activities and Events
  • 8th grade graduation gifts
  • 7th & 8th grade scholarships
  • Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Transportation for field trips
  • Programming for Catholic Schools Week
  • Field Day at the end of the school year
  • Contributions towards school needs
  • Playground equipment
  • Library materials
  • Back-To-School Welcome Party
  • Halloween Dance
  • Santa’s Secret Workshop
  • Multi-Cultural Night
  • Scholastic book fair
  • Kids craft & movie nights
  • Attending Bruins and Red Sox Games

Families wishing to get more information about the FSA or events should contact the school office or email

You are also encouraged to follow QCA’s FSA facebook page by clicking here.


At QCA, we are blessed to have a full-time certified nurse in the Health Office who serves our entire community – students, teachers, staff and families.

The school nurse is primarily responsible for professional, medical treatment of students – physical, emotional and mental health. She is responsible for early detection of physical problems, health evaluations and disease prevention, when possible. She assists in promoting programs in health-education and immunization.

The nurse collaborates with multidisciplinary teams to ensure compliance with health policies and regulations and promotes overall health and wellness in the school community.


The acronym ALICE stands for: ALERT, LOCKDOWN, INFORM, COUNTER, EVACUATE. School personnel is trained to utilize this set of responses options, depending on the circumstance of the threat, to ensure the maximum safety possible in a given situation.

  • Every member of the QCA Faculty and Staff is CPR and First Aid certified. There is a state-of-the-art AED (Automated External Defibrillator) located outside the school gym. Faculty and Staff are trained annually on the effective use of the AED in case of an emergency.
  • QCA Administration conducts routine fire drills, lockdown and evacuation procedures, and active shooter emergency response drills throughout the year. Students are familiar with the exit routes and procedures and are prepared to evacuate the building efficiently in case of an emergency.
  • The Faculty and Staff are trained annually to utilize the ALICE Guidelines in the most serious situations involving potential imminent threat to the school community from an intruder or active shooter.

Policies & Procedures

At QCA, we uphold a high standard for our students, staff, and families. We often say: “We’re all in this together”. When expectations are clear and accountability is consistent, the result is a peaceful and equitable environment. The following policies are in place to ensure that reality on a daily basis.

Program Registration Forms

Nurse & Health Forms

Parent Portal

To complete our online re-enrollment process, you will access our Family Portal through your existing login. If you do not have a login, please follow the Instructions for Creating a Family Portal Login listed below.

Our District Code is QC-MA

For Returning Students

To register your returning student for next year:

  • Visit our parent portal login page.
  • After logging in, click on Apply/Enroll in the left menu.
  • Click on the Enrollment/Re-enrollment link.

Our Online Enrollment system will open with a link to the enrollment packet. The online process should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your information will be saved if you need to stop and come back later.

For New Students

All new students must create an account login on our partner registration website.

  • Please go to
  • Select Logins from the menu bar and ParentsWeb Login from the drop-down menu.
  • After the RenWeb ParentsWeb Login screen opens, please select Create New ParentsWeb Account.
  • Enter QC-MA into the District Code field.
  • Enter in the Email field your email address as provided in your application to the school.
  • Click the Create Account button.
  • You will receive an email from RenWeb Customer Support containing a link that will allow you to create your username and password. For security purposes, the link will remain active for 6 hours.
  • Pl​​ease click on the link. A Change/Create Password screen will open. You may use the default username provided or create a new username. Then type in your desired password into the Password field and Confirm field.
  • Click on the Save Username and/or Password button.
  • Close the window.
  • Log into ParentsWeb as instructed above.

If you have any questions, please contact the Main Office at 617-328-3830

Frequently Asked Questions

Why a Catholic education?

12 Reasons published by the National Catholic Educational Association:

  1. We offer an education that combines Catholic faith and teachings with academic excellence.
  2. We partner with parents in the faith formation of their children.
  3. We set high standards for student achievement and help them succeed.
  4. We provide a balanced academic curriculum that integrates faith, culture and life.
  5. We use technology effectively to enhance education.
  6. We instill in students the value of service to others.
  7. We teach children respect of self and others.
  8. We emphasize moral development and self-discipline.
  9. We prepare students to be productive citizens and future leaders.
  10. We have a 99 percent high school graduation rate.
  11. We cultivate a faculty and staff of people who are dedicated, caring, and effective.
  12. We provide a safe and welcoming environment for all.

Required Records:

  • Physical and Immunization Record – current within the year.
  • Birth certificate
  • Baptismal certificate if the child is Catholic
  • A copy of all academic records including the latest report card
  • A copy of all standardized test results
  • A Non-Refundable $200.00 registration fee

Quincy Catholic Academy reserves the right to review all transfer students’ progress, academically and socially, after six weeks in order to insure proper placement. Failure to meet the above criteria could lead to possible cancellation of acceptance.

  • Students must be 3 years old by August 31 to start Preschool *
  • Students must be 4 years old by August 31 to start K-1*
  • Students must be 5 years old by August 31 to start Kindergarten
  • Students must be 6 years old by August 31 to start Grade One

All Quincy Catholic Academy families must set up an account with FACTS Tuition Management. NO monies are collected at school level. All charges (tuition, lunch fees, field trip fees, athletic fees, etc. are billed through FACTS.

All Quincy Catholic Academy students (Preschool to Grade 8) wear age-appropriate uniforms purchased through the Collegiate House Uniform Company. A dress code and uniform order form will be given out after registration forms are received.

Quincy Catholic Academy employs a full time nurse and guidance counselor for our students’ physical, social, and emotional well being. A Reading Support teacher works with students in Kindergarten to Grade 3.

Although Quincy Catholic Academy does not offer any Special Education services, we work closely with local public schools to arrange any special education testing and/or services for our students.

The average class size for the Early Childhood program (Preschool and K1) is 20. The Early Childhood Program maintains a 10 student/1 adult ratio in each classroom.

The average class size in Grades K2 is 18-20 with a teacher and an aide.

The current class size in Grades 1-8 is between 18-20.

Quincy Catholic Academy has an Extended Day program from 2:30-6:00 p.m. on school days and 11:30 a.m. -2:30 p.m. on half days. All QCA students are welcome to attend. The program offers our students the opportunity to relax, have fun, and explore a variety of endeavors both structured and unstructured. Our goal is to provide a well-supervised, comfortable, happy environment for our students. Teachers, staff, and college students staff the program offering fun activities and time for homework. The cost is $8.00 an hour. Registration for the Extended Day program takes place in September.

Bus transportation is offered by the Quincy Public Schools for our students (K2-Grade 5) living in Quincy. Any interested families MUST use the application on the Quincy Public School website. (

Quincy Catholic Academy students, boys and girls, in Grades 3-8 can participate on QCA teams in the South Shore Parochial Basketball League. After school clubs include School Choir, Reader’s Theatre, Sport Clubs, Irish step dancing, volleyball, Arts & Crafts, board games, chess, Legos, and more! An annual spring musical allows our talented actresses, actors, and singers to shine.

Quincy Catholic Academy has an optional hot lunch program. Menus are sent home each month for the next month. 

Yes, the QCA Family School Association (FSA) has as its purpose to promote parent/guardian and student involvement at Quincy Catholic Academy. The organization sponsors many activities and events throughout the year. Through fundraising activities, the Parent Organization provides additional capital for supplementary items to further enrich the educational programs at Quincy Catholic Academy. Each family is asked to cooperate and support these programs.

Religious education is the primary reason for Quincy Catholic Academy’s existence. Religion is taught formally in the classroom and integrated with other curricula daily. The school day begins and ends with prayer. There are times for prayer during the school day as well. The students and teachers plan liturgies for monthly Masses. Other religious programs and activities for the students to understand that service is an outgrowth of religious education are planned. These are an essential component to live the Christian life.

Although all non-Catholic students must be involved in religious instruction and attend services, we are mindful and respectful of the beliefs of all and encourage students to share experiences of their culture.

Quincy Catholic Academy students in Grades One through Eight participate in the NWEA formative assessment during the fall and spring. After testing results received in the fall, teachers can focus on a student’s individual strengths and challenges. Scores from spring testing measure each student’s individual yearly growth.

Report cards are issued to parents/guardians three times during the school year. Progress reports are issued each mid-term. These reports will include information on the student’s academic achievements, attitudes, behavior, and attendance. Reports are signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the teacher. They are kept on file for the school year.

Quincy Catholic Academy students are admitted to outstanding Catholic and private high schools upon graduation including: Boston College High School, Notre Dame High School, Catholic Memorial High School, Xaverian Brothers High School, Archbishop Williams High School, Buckingham, Browne, and Nichols, Boston University Academy, Boston Latin School, Southfield and more. Many students receive scholarship awards and are often placed in honors classes.

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